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Child and Family Chiropractic in Auckland

Chiropractic care from birth is like growing a garden. When you nurture the soil, provide proper nutrients and sunlight-you know your garden will flourish and tends to be resilient through changes and dynamics in the environment. Our approach to family wellbeing works in much the same way. We know that to grow healthy and resilient children, a clear and connected nervous system is an essential component of this.

When a child first comes to Advanced Health Chiropractic, it is often the case that we have been checking Mum throughout her pregnancy, so we understand a little bit about this child’s entrance into the world. This first visit is often at home or place of birth when they are young, although some children start with us later in life at the practice.

Common Childhood Conditions We See

Did you know that a child does not need to have a problem or condition to benefit from chiropractic care? We see many children right from birth to ensure they grow up as healthy and resilient as possible.

Although we also know that if a child shows signs of a body under stress, this is an excellent time to be checked and adjusted by a chiropractor. Some of these signs include a child who

  • Favours one side while nursing
  • Has difficulty latching or feeding
  • Is unsettled
  • Appears to get sick more often than others
  • Struggles with attention or focus
  • Has emotional dysregulation
  • Experiences sleep or digestion difficulties

What to Expect: First Visit

The initial visit is about understanding your child-their birth, history, likes and dislikes, challenges or any goals you may have for their wellbeing. We complete a thorough spine and nervous system evaluation, alongside our INSiGHT scanning technology, to best understand their nervous system function at this point. From here, we can create a plan that could help equip your child to grow and flourish through life with vibrancy.

Everyone’s family wellbeing goals are unique; there is no need to have a problem or symptom when starting chiropractic care with us. In fact, the best time to start is from birth!

We look forward to meeting your family and welcoming you to Advanced Health Chiropractic; it is where the magic happens.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main health benefits associated with family chiropractic care?

With children under regular chiropractic care, we tend to notice some common trends. Parents often tell us their child is more settled, better able to feed, a more robust immune system, and generally able to regulate themselves better at home and school.

Is there anything you do to make kids’ visits enjoyable?

Alongside the Bubs Hub, we have a wonderful playground in the middle of our practice. If your child feels nervous or uneasy about their visit, they are welcome to spend some time in the quiet of the Bubs Hub, or playing on the slide while they acclimatise. Our practice is designed so that your child feels comfortable, and we can adapt in many ways to ensure this.

Do children need chiropractic care for the rest of their life?

This is entirely up to you. Just like brushing your teeth, the more consistently you do it, the better the effects. Each family has their own unique goals for health and wellbeing. Our job is to come alongside you in these and create a plan that will best allow you to achieve them.

What if my child doesn’t sit still, can they still be adjusted?

Yes! Our team and practice are established to meet the needs of all children and families. These visits are often dynamic and will work with your child so that they are calm, comfortable, and enjoy their adjustments. We may opt to do some of our examinations in the playground, or alternatively, our private rooms can provide quiet, dimly lit space for children who would prefer that.

Book an Appointment

Contact Advanced Health Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment!


Child and Family Chiropractor Auckland, West Auckland AUK | (09) 818 8015