We dive into the neurology behind it and answer your Instagram questions / Hips, Head Shape and Home Care
The long awaited Hips, Head Shape and Home Care episode! This one is extra special as you guys have contributed to it by asking your questions on Instagram. We answer these including front pack recommendations, W-sitters and asymmetric crawling.
The way a baby develops can give us clues into their nervous system function, and more importantly the ease within that system. We know that many parents bring their young babies to see a chiropractor once they start to notice uneven development of the head, or other occurrences such as clicky hips.
We explain exactly what is going on here, why it is happening and why so many parents LOVE bringing their babies to Advanced Health Chiropractic.
On top of that we have our top tips for Tummy time, supporting movement development, crawling help and supporting your baby’s neurology to function best.
We share our upcoming Womb to World workshop, so make sure you are watching our Instagram for all the registration details as this event is capped. https://www.instagram.com/advancedhealthchiropractic.nz/
You can register here for Womb to World: https://www.advancedchiropractic.co.nz/womb-to-world-workshop/
I mentioned the Happy Brain Series which you can find by scrolling to the bottom of this page: https://www.advancedchiropractic.co.nz/resources/
Here are our top pregnancy resources and blogs: https://www.advancedchiropractic.co.nz/pregnancy-chiropractic/
You can register here for the Pregnancy and Child video series on our website: https://www.advancedchiropractic.co.nz/new-baby-video-series/