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Episode 89

How is Grant Schofield making waves in the space of clever risk-taking, vibrant, strong and able families?

family pictureGrant Schofield is the Professor of Public Health at the Auckland University of Technology and director of the Human Potential Centre. His research and teaching is mainly in wellbeing and chronic disease prevention although that doesn’t even begin to describe the contribution Grant has made, and continues to make in the space of healthy, vibrant, risk-strong and incredibly able families.

His research is largely driven from the ages and stages his own family are in including

  • nutrition
  • movement and risk-taking stimulation
  • playground alternatives and challenge
  • development of the frontal lobe and better decision making in teens
  • ice baths
  • family time and connection
  • lifestyle habits
  • nervous system stressors for building health

This Chat is an extraordinary conversation for all of our families and those seeking the very best of health and performance in their everyday lives, now and decades into the future

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