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Optimising Brain-Body communication - Exploring the role of Chiropractic care

mother with her babyWe all have a brain…. Well, here’s hoping we do! But not everyone’s brain is working as well as it could, and the signs may not be as obvious as you think.

For us chiropractors, the brain is a vital part of what we do. That along with the nerves of the spinal cord make up the central nervous system and they are responsible for EVERYTHING that goes on inside the body.

From balance to mood, posture to learning, memory to muscle strength… it all comes down to the brain and how well it both sends and receives information.

So, if you are noticing signs such as

  • Wonky balance or clumsy kids
  • Poor emotional regulation
  • Lack of coordination
  • Difficulty with tasks such as bike riding, kicking a ball, standing on one foot.
  • Difficulty with memory and retaining information.
  • Handwriting challenges or can’t hold a pencil.
  • Atypical or asymmetric crawling patterns

Then you are not alone! And chances are you (or your child’s) brain and nerve system could be the culprit.

What is the cerebellum?

The cerebellum sits at the base of the brain and acts like a regulatory system for messages coming to and from the brain. When fully developed and working well the cerebellum allows us to experience.

  • Upright posture and good shoulder balance
  • A healthy mood and emotional regulation
  • Balance
  • Execute coordinated and timely movements such as kicking a ball.
  • Fine motor control like pencil grip and handwriting
  • Cognition and learning
  • Memory

How does this affect adults?

In adults, lesions in the cerebellum can be measured through tests such as hand coordination exercises, balance or looking at how smooth movements are. Chiropractic plays a vital role in keeping the messaging system of the brain and body clear so that this information reaches the cerebellum in an orderly fashion. Distortion here can cause jolty or poor execution of movement and it’s easy to track the changes before and after a chiropractic adjustment.

In children however the cerebellum is still developing. We need to ensure the brain has everything it needs to develop sequentially and grow from a foundation that supports this.

What to look for in children

We can expect a child to be a bit wobbly as they learn, however we should not see any distortions in cerebellar function during this process.

Some key things to look out for may be:

  • A baby who only looks one way, or prefers one way.
  • Dragging one leg when crawling
  • Skips crawling altogether.
  • Cannot throw or catch a ball in an age-appropriate way.
  • Sits in a W or M shape with their legs.
  • Cannot hold their body weight on the monkey bars, nor execute the arm movement even if supported by a parent (again, age appropriate)

The magic of chiropractic

Chiropractic plays a huge role in BOTH correcting dysfunction and maintaining wellbeing of the central nervous system.

When a chiropractic adjustment is performed, proper function of the nervous system is restored so that the brain and body can communicate effectively. This means better information going in, and better actions coming out.

When thinking of cerebellum function, this allows the brain to form an accurate picture of the body and respond in an appropriate way – for example, better execution of movement and balance. When we perceive our world accurately, we respond accurately.

We have seen countless success stories in both adults and children striving for a better life and a healthier body. So, if you or anyone in your family has been struggling, it’s time to start now.

Learn more about chiropractic, or book now

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