Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic allows your body to heal optimally
We experience life through our nervous system. Your brain, spinal cord and nerves control how your body works. Physical, chemical and emotional stressors produce an imbalance in your nervous system – and a lack of integrity sets the stage for disease and ill health. Simply put – your body can’t communicate with itself well enough to deal with any symptoms you’re experiencing.
A thorough examination helps us identify interferences in your body’s communication system. Gentle adjustments remove this interference, restoring the structural function of your spine, and allowing your body’s communication system to work as it’s designed.

The “Wind Up”
When we are unable to adapt to stress our spine and nervous system ‘wind up’ creating a less optimal healing environment. Chiropractic has an interest in the spine is because it houses the nervous system that carries vital communications between your brain and your body. Research shows that by restoring structural function of the spine, and allowing your body’s communication system to work as it’s designed, you can achieve a greater level of health.

Growing Healthy Families
Health is not measured by how we feel, but rather how our body is adapting to our life stressors. When a body is communicating efficiently often the body will start to heal in a way it could not before. By allowing the body’s healing ability to restore, challenges often resolve, making way for better health and vitality. Which means every family member deserves the best chance of greater wellbeing- including our furry ones.

A body in balance allows for an optimum environment for your baby to move and grow. To help prepare for great pregnancy and birth through optimising pelvic balance and spinal function, while creating the best environment for a growing baby.

Babies and Children
A chiropractic check post birth ensures a great start to life, by providing a body free of interference.
Babies that get checked are more successful breastfeeders, more settled, have less digestive complaints and a more robust immune system. Our chiropractors are specifically trained to check and adjust newborns, babies, toddlers and children.
Ready To Start Your Family’s Journey?
Let’s get your body moving and working the way it should be so you can give life heaps all the time. Contact us today to find out more (09) 818 8015.