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Pregnancy Chiropractic in Auckland

Woman on adjusting table

Chiropractic care through pregnancy revolves around the 3 P’s: Power, Passage and Passenger. Let’s look at each:

Power is the nervous system, and its ability to properly regulate all components of pregnancy and wellbeing. With a well-balanced nervous system, your body is best prepared to grow, nourish and birth your baby.

Passage describes the pelvis and birth canal-an essential element for optimal and efficient growth and delivery for both mother and baby.

Passenger is the precious cargo-your baby. Your baby’s growth is constantly under the influence of your nervous system. When balanced and in the most optimal state, your baby’s nervous system can benefit from this. Such benefits may include nutrition and nourishment, all the way to the baby’s position for birth.

Our Bubs Hub

Pregnancy care at Advanced Health Chiropractic is one of our greatest passions. Our practice has been designed to accommodate the needs and desires of all of our families, and we encourage you to utilise this space as much as you like. The Bubs Hub is a quiet space where you can relax or read one of our wellbeing-focused family books if you would like. In time, you may wish to utilise this space for feeding, changing and connecting with your little one after your adjustments.

We highly encourage the attendance of any partner or support people at your visits. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss the care available to you through labour, birth and postpartum, and any questions either of you may have.

What to Expect

Your First Appointment

Your first pregnancy visit at Advanced Health Chiropractic is about understanding you and your baby. We will ask questions about the pregnancy so far, your goals and wishes through this time, birth plans, as well as general history and wellbeing. Our INSiGHT scanning technology is non-invasive and will allow us to evaluate your nervous system function at this point, so that we can create the best plan for you going forward.

Your Second Appointment

On your second visit, we will go through your report, any areas of note, and what your care plan will look like throughout the pregnancy. We will regularly evaluate your progress and state of health throughout your care to ensure that your visits are well matched to your lifestyle. You will receive your first adjustment on this visit and a schedule going forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is chiropractic care during pregnancy?

It’s considered extremely safe. We believe chiropractic care before, during and after pregnancy is an excellent way to support your body as it adapts through this period of changing requirements.

What are the benefits for the pregnant woman?

The benefits of chiropractic care through pregnancy are vast, for both Mother and Baby.
What we tend to see is that a mother under regular chiropractic often experiences a more straightforward pregnancy and birth, with fewer complications.

A recent study undertaken by the Centre for Chiropractic Research in New Zealand showed an improvement in control of pelvic floor muscles in pregnant women under chiropractic care. This is beneficial for the rhythmic coordination of contraction during birth, as well as control and recovery postpartum.

How often should pregnant women come to see you, and for how long?

Your frequency of care will be determined after your initial visit with us. From here, we can best assess your nervous system function and create a care plan that suits your lifestyle.

Do you adjust pregnant women differently or use a specific technique?

Our practice is well-established to meet the needs of mothers throughout their whole pregnancy and postpartum periods. The specialised use of our tables and pregnancy pillows allows you to be comfortable throughout your visit. We utilise a variety of techniques, including the Webster Technique, to support your body and baby during your chiropractic visits.

Should chiropractic care continue after birth?

We strongly believe that it should. In the lead-up to birth, we will discuss postpartum care with you and arrange a time to come to you once the baby is born for your post-birth check. This visit is usually at home or place of birth, and can be arranged for whenever is most appropriate. The value of this visit is exponential, and gives your body a kick start at healing and recovery. We also know that a well-balanced nervous system positively contributes to feeding, bonding and attachment with your baby. We usually recommend this visit be as close to birth as possible.

How quickly after birth can a pregnant woman be checked and adjusted?

As soon as you are ready, we encourage you to come in for a visit.

Book an Appointment Today

We want to help you enjoy a happier and healthier pregnancy. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.



Pregnancy Chiropractor Auckland, West Auckland AUK | (09) 818 8015