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The Missing Ingredient in Making Healthy Change

Ever wondered why some people find healthy change easy, while others struggle along? If you’re one of those people who reverts back to your old ways after one day of tuna and salad, you’re not alone. There’s good news too – there’s something you can do about it.

While we all have access to the same information thanks to Google, and we can ask the same questions of health professionals, few people will ever change their behaviour – no matter how urgent.

Like this study of over 7000 heart attack patients. Despite the severe warning of a heart attack, just 4.3% of people actually made healthy lifestyle changes. Crazy right?! No surprise that women were much more likely to make changes, however, still only a mere 7% versus a minuscule 2.5% of men – and their life depended on it!

So what does this tell us? That information does not initiate action.

What we’ve found over the years taking care of so many families here at Advanced Health Chiropractic, is that trustworthy and well-researched information is great for providing direction towards health and lifestyle goals. But it’s your emotions that will produce movement.

Often we’ll blame a lack of information for poor health statistics – governments do it all the time. We pour more money into education and awareness initiatives, but at this point in time, we’re obese with information. What we need to do is amplify the connection of great information with the people, their lives and their motivations.

It’s important we get to know the people and families we take care of – your passions, goals and desires – because getting to know you means the information, care plans and adjustments we provide are more purposeful.

We’re in this together, and as a team, we continually work hard to put together state-of-the-art care plans, master skillful adjustments, and update our knowledge. But top priority is your motivations, goals and emotions which are essential to generating movement towards your health goals – and a fulfilling life.

That’s why we’ll regularly check in with you, to see how you’re feeling and whether anything has shifted for you.

Let us know if they have – so we can make sure this is reflected in your care plan.