We have had a lot of requests at Advanced Health Chiropractic from you all about what to do to stay fit and well during “lock down”.
We thought we would share with you some of the things we have been trialing and loving to keep us fit and well and more importantly occupied.
As we all know there are some basic things that we can do to stay fit and well.
We understand that movement is essential to our overall health and well-being, as is keeping our mind active and also keeping it calm and appropriately responsive (not anxious), we understand the importance of great company and good connections with others. Of course what we choose to feed our bodies also has great impact on our overall health.
Here are some of the things we have found have helped us during the first few days of “lock down”.
For an active and calm state of mind:
- Headspace – this is an app that you can download at the moment for free. This has a plethora of options with regards to meditation. I have always found meditation and mi
ndfulness difficult until I discovered this app. It helps teach you the skills and has nice short options that are highly effective. I also quite like the voice of the man guiding you, it amuses me.
- Iheart Radio App -
This can be downloaded on your phone, and a great way of listening to your favorite radio stations, but also there are some great podcasts I have discovered.
The one I have been enjoying lately is the Podcast ‘Crime Junkie’.
To keep the body moving and energised:
- Golden Yogi – is an Auckland based Yoga Studio, they are offering several yoga and meditation classes through ZOOM. These can be booked and only cost $5 per class. You simply go to their website https://goldenyogi.co.nz/, click on yoga, and select the day you want, this will bring up a list of all the classes on offer. Click on ‘book’ and this will direct you to the payment page. Once you have paid you will get sent the ZOOM details for the class. You will need to log onto ZOOM on your computer to do the class. All you will need is a mat or carpeted space to do the class in the comfort of your own home.
- Les Mills – are streaming a class each day at 9am on TV on Demand. You simply go onto TV on Demand and search Les Mills and the class will come up. This is also free of charge. Yesterdays class was a Body Balance Class, which is a combination of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates.
- Empire Studios – a dance studio are doing dance classes for over 70 year olds, which can be done from home through ZOOM. These classes are called Forever Young. Call Empire Studios for details 09 360 0047.
Keeping up with your Social Connection:
- HouseParty: The best app we have found so far to stay connected with friends and family is Houseparty.
This is a free app, which can be downloaded on your phone or computer. We have used this to stay in touch with friends, and it is a great way to get everyone on for a end of the day virtual drink. https://houseparty.com/
- ZOOM is great also for video catch ups, this can be set up on phone or computer. https://zoom.us/
- Skype is also a great old favourite. https://www.skype.com/en/
To Keep Well Nourished:
- Hello Fresh – are delivering ready to cook meals to your doorstep.
We are doing the vegetarian option at the moment and the meals are delicious. https://www.hellofresh.co.nz
- My Food Bag do the same thing, and are a great way of getting nutritious meals that are pretty affordable home delivered. https://www.myfoodbag.co.nz/
- Whoop is another option https://www.woop.co.nz
The are a lot of options out there to nourish our bodies and minds. More now than ever. Choose what you love. Choose what will be enjoyable to incorporate in to your daily routine. Stay strong. Stay healthy. Stay as one of the 98+% of people who will brush COVID-19 off like a common cold.
Apr 01, 2020 at 11:37 PM
Wow! Can I just say a massive thank you for your ongoing care, support, check ins and ideas during this time. I appreciate it so much. I can't wait to give some of these ideas a go & add to what I'm currently doing. I hope you are all taking care x